How Many Shots of Vodka Will Get You Drunk?

Getting drunk is not a race; it’s about enjoying the moment. However, knowing how much alcohol can get you intoxicated is crucial for making informed decisions and ensuring a safe and fun experience. Here’s an insightful guide to understanding how your body reacts to vodka and how many shots it takes to achieve a desired level of intoxication.

How Many Shots Of Vodka To Get Drunk? - 2023

Vodka: The Basics

Vodka is a distilled spirit made from fermented grains or potatoes. It typically has an alcohol by volume (ABV) of 40 percent (80 proof) or higher. Vodka is one of the purest forms of alcohol, lacking congeners (impurities) found in other spirits like whiskey or brandy. This purity contributes to vodka’s reputation for being a smooth and easy-to-drink liquor.

Factors Influencing Intoxication

Before delving into the number of shots required to get drunk, it’s essential to understand the factors that influence intoxication:

  • Body Weight: Heavier individuals require more alcohol to achieve the same level of intoxication compared to lighter individuals.
  • Gender: Men generally have a higher tolerance for alcohol than women due to differences in body composition and metabolism.
  • Food Intake: Consuming food slows down alcohol absorption, leading to a delayed and less intense intoxication.
  • Metabolism: Individuals with faster metabolisms process alcohol more quickly, resulting in a lower level of intoxication.
  • Tolerance: Regular alcohol consumption builds tolerance, meaning more drinks are necessary to achieve the same effect.

Calculating the Number of Shots

The number of shots required to get drunk varies significantly depending on individual factors. However, a general estimate can be made using the following formula:

Number of Shots for Men = 0.6 x Body Weight (pounds) / 80
Number of Shots for Women = 0.5 x Body Weight (pounds) / 80

For example, a 150-pound man would need approximately 9 shots of vodka to reach a state of noticeable intoxication, while a 120-pound woman would require around 6 shots.

Defining “Drunk”

The term “drunk” is subjective and can vary widely from person to person. However, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines a “legally drunk” blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or higher. This level of intoxication significantly impairs driving ability and poses severe health risks.

Safe Drinking Guidelines

It’s crucial to emphasize that excessive alcohol consumption is dangerous and should be avoided. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends moderate alcohol intake as follows:

  • Men: Up to two drinks per day
  • Women: Up to one drink per day


Understanding how many shots of vodka to get drunk is a matter of personal responsibility and awareness of individual tolerance and circumstances. It’s important to approach alcohol consumption with caution, prioritize safety, and know when to call it a night. By adhering to safe drinking guidelines and making informed decisions, individuals can enjoy the social and relaxing aspects of alcohol without compromising their well-being or endangering themselves or others.

How Many Shots of Vodka to Get Drunk?

How Many Shots Of Vodka To Get Drunk